Google Cloud Platform

Google Cloud Platform not only allows access to one of the largest networks in the world, but also ensures customers have less downtime as we can now utilize live migrations of virtual machines. By completely migrating to the GCP, we can ensure a high-level of redundancy and have granular control over the servers while also having the ability to tweak the hosting environment; making customers’ sites up to 200% faster, more stable, secure and completely isolated. According to a recent survey, all signs point to public cloud adoption growing and enterprise IT becoming more comfortable with the prospect of running their most sensitive data on public cloud infrastructure.

Cisco forecasted that by 2020, cloud traffic would represent 92% of all data center network traffic. According to Google Trends, interest surrounding Google Cloud Platform itself has been on a very rapid rise over the past couple of years. More and more companies are migrating because in most cases it offers the most secure, flexible, and cost-effective solution. It saves money on IT staffing and allows for almost instant scaling of any online platform or solution.

Google Cloud Platform consists of a set of physical servers, as well as virtual resources like virtual machines (VMs) that are contained in Google’s data centers around the globe. Companies will gain significant improvements in performance, security, efficiency, and scalability with GCP. Moving to the cloud also allows the companies to focus time and resources on the things that matter most.

Let’s have a run through of some of the advantages of using GCP:

Improvement in the performance-
Companies using GCP basically display flawless performance with flat average response times, minimal errors and no spikes. The Google Cloud machines easily handle 60k+ concurrent visitors without any hiccups. The wait time, also known as TTFB, dramatically decreases by the use of GCP. The Google Compute Engine servers ensure automatic scalability.

To start off, instances are simply lower in cost on Google Cloud Platform; Compute Engine alone is typically between 40% – 50% cheaper than AWS and Azure. When it comes to Google Cloud Platform, we basically get more IOPS for less than 1/3 of the cost. Local solid-state disks (SSDs) attached to on-demand Google Compute Engine virtual machines are now up to 63% cheaper. Google bills in minute-level increments (with a 10-minute minimum charge), so we only pay for the compute time used.

Google Cloud Storage is designed for 99.999999999% durability and has 4 different types of storage: Coldline storage, nearline, regional storage, and multi-regional storage. It stores data redundantly, with automatic checksums to ensure data integrity. As it pertains to Google Cloud hosting, this ensures we will never lose your data, even in the case of a disaster.

State of the art security-
Another big advantage is security. Choosing Google Cloud Platform means we get the benefit of a security model that has been built upon over the course of 15 years, and currently secures products and services like Gmail, Search, etc. Google currently employs more than 500 full-time security professionals. All data is encrypted in transit between Google, the customers, and data centers; as well as the data in all of the Cloud Platform services. The data stored on persistent disks is encrypted under 256-bit AES and each encryption key is also encrypted with a set of regularly changed master keys.

At Daksyam, we offer result-oriented Google Cloud platform services to match your business requirements. From creating custom cloud-based applications to ensuring seamless migration to Google Cloud, we take care of the entire IT needs of an organization. Our seasoned Google cloud developers implement customized Google Cloud solutions that are designed to meet the usage and process workflows of the client’s business.

Question and Answer section:

1) What is GCP used for?

The Google Cloud Platform (GCP) is a platform that delivers over 90 information technology services (aka products), which businesses, IT professionals, and developers can leverage to work more efficiently, gain more flexibility, and/or enable a strategic advantage.

2) What is the Google cloud and how does it work?

Google Cloud Console When you use the Cloud Console, you create a new project, or choose an existing project, and use the resources that you create in the context of that project. You can create multiple projects, so you can use projects to separate your work in whatever way makes sense for you.

3) Why do we need Google cloud?

Google's cloud platform provides a reliable and highly scalable cloud computing services to its users. These services help clients compute and store data, and help developers build, test, and deploy apps.

4) What is the difference between Google cloud and AWS?

Google Cloud is a suite of Google's public cloud computing resources & services whereas AWS is a secure cloud service developed and managed by Amazon. Google Cloud provides backup services, but AWS offers cloud-based disaster recovery services.

5) What makes GCP different?

Networking: GCP is different from other public cloud providers because its backbone network is made up of many miles of fiber optic cables. They use advanced networking technologies and offer edge-caching services for delivering fast and scalable performance.